Valiant Stormrage
Mercenary Freelancer
Gunbreaker - Machinest - Sage Specialist

A nameless Viera born to the Nightstalker tribe, he was only a kit when his tribe was attacked by Garlean forces looking to subrogate the local populous. His father fought and died trying to protect his clan while inflicting mass casualties on the Garleans he still fell in battle and his tribe was obliterated in response. However, the young Viera was hidden away and thus was the sole survivor of his can. After being discovered alone by Sharlyan researchers they took him to Sharlyan where he was given a disguised by an experimental Aether-manipulating device and was turned into a Hyur. He was then abandoned on the streets of Ul'dah, The Sultanat was then paid to ensure that he had a rough street life and that he learned all that he could to survive. During an incident with a shopkeeper whom he was trying to steal from, they had remarked "That's pretty Valiant of you kid" When backed into a corner he turned to fight, thus taking Valiant as his name.Valiant then Joined the Ul'dah grand company where he led a small group of fighters in the battle of Carteno, it was there that he gained the last name Stormrage, as it is said to see him in battle is to see a storm of rage overtaking his enemies. After his time had come to pass in the Grand Company he left to become a freelancer and mercenary where he learned to hone in crafting in numerous studies. To ease his memories of war he learned to Bard and play instruments it was in this act that he met the love of his life Freyja Nitsah whom he is now married. During this time Together the aetheric disguise that was put on him so many years ago finally subsided revealing his true identity as a Viera. Now Valiant helps run Bards and Brew alongside his wife as the head chef as well as a fellow musician in their band Ravamoon.Although now at peace with his past, Valiant still finds himself from time to time in battle fighting injustices, with Freyja ever by his side.